Well hi there!

I have been contemplating on starting a food blog for quite some while now and I kept wondering what I would call it. I couldn't have been happier with the name I finally came up with! :)

I never really figured when in the last few years I became addicted to cooking and trying out new recipes...but Masterchef is definitely one of the culprits ;) While I am nowhere close to that league, I hope to, through this blog try to experiment with my own style of cooking and write them down here. Maybe, hopefully more so, my experiments will inspire my readers in the future! :)

While I have tried out some interesting recipes in the last few months, I start this blog with a simple recipe. My favorite meal of the day - Breakfast! A few months back, I had this wonderful opportunity of getting to stay at the Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai for 2 days (Thanks to Tata Business Leadership Awards, 2014). While I was there, me and my friends were treated to two days of a vast buffet breakfast....and naturally I was super excited to try out as much of the spread laid out as possible without ending up sick ;) I picked up this overnight oats in a shot glass. A small appetizer dish of oats, cold milk, fresh kiwi and nuts. The first bite and I was in love with it. Both the days I went in to have 2 helpings of it and couldn't get enough of it.

It’s been over two months now and I still dream of it. I saw kiwi at the local market yesterday and I immediately knew what I was having for breakfast the next day. Overnight oats with kiwi and blueberries!

Here is a look at it.

The recipe is hardly a couple of steps:


Oats                                        As per required quantity (I took about half a bowl
Mixed Nut Museli                 1 Tb Spoon (Optional but I like the crunch of the nuts)
Chilled milk / soy milk          Equal quantity to cover the oats + Museli
4-6 Almonds -                        Finely Chopped
6-8 thin slices of Kiwi           Cut into 4 parts
8-10 Blueberries                   Optional
Caster Sugar to taste            Although I like a little less sweet

Mix the oats, museli and sugar in a mason jar. Pour chilled milk into it and refrigerate it overnight. In the morning, add the kiwi, chopped almonds and blueberries into the jar and pack it for work. This makes for a quick and healthy breakfast, not to mention yummy too!

*While there can be variations to this recipe, I particularly love the tangy taste of the kiwi with the sweetness of the blueberries and the crunch of the nuts. :) Enjoy!


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