Roasted Carrots with a warm cheese dip

A few years back when I had gone trekking up the middle Himalayas as part of the induction month at work, we had spent 10 days amidst the mountains completely cut off from civilization.  The days were spent climbing endless kilometers to get to our next base camp and the nights gazing up at the stars while the river nearby gurgled in the darkness.  The climb was really challenging and pushed my physical and mental strength to its limits. But the forest trail, the breathtaking views at every corner and the sense of accomplishment at the end of the day made up for it. We spent the evenings around bonfires, talking about the day's journey and cooking dinner. The food cooked on the fire had a woody aroma to it and even an ordinary 'dal rice'dinner tasted heavenly. As the 10 days came to and end and we returned back to our now mundane daily lives, the time spent there had left a mark on me and I would remember it for a long time. 

While the cold evenings here remind me of those bonfire dinners and makes me wishful about having a fireplace of my own, I have to make do with trying to cook something that resembles the food cooked on the mountains and try replicating that woody aroma that comes with it. I made this carrot roast - a simple recipe which can be modified in many ways to suit the palate of the audience. As I was out of stock of other vegetables, I decided to keep it simple with some basic toppings and accompanying dip. 

These carrots oven roasted with oregano with a melted cheese dip turned out to be a simple yet filling company to my book reading session. 

Roasted carrots with a warm cheese dip  
  • 8 - 10 carrots ( you could add more depending on the amount needed) 
  • Half a spoon dried oregano
  • 2 spoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Walnuts - Optional
For the Dip:
  • 1 cheese cube
  • 1 spoon milk
Wash and scrape the carrots and then cut them into long strips. Toss them into a wide bowl or plate and add the remaining ingredients into it. Mix well till everything is incorporated into the carrots equally. Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper and roast them at 160° C for about 10 - 15 min.Meanwhile, take a small pan and melt the cheese with the milk. You could add some salt and pepper to it. 

Once the carrots are done, serve immediately with the warm cheese dip. 
