Spiced Hot Chocolate!

As I savour the last of the retreating winter mornings and prepare myself for the dreaded summers (hello frizzy hair!) I indulge in this mug of pure bliss one last time before I give up these luxuries that I could afford... thanks to all the winter wear.

And who would have thought hot chocolate was such an easy drink to make? I for one always thought of it as that elusively difficult things to prepare, with a presumption that it had too many exotic ingredients that could never find its existence in my humble kitchen. Oh, but how wrong I was! 

With just 5 ingredients and 5 minutes, you too can indulge in this spiced hot chocolate  - best suited for those cold winter mornings and nights.

I know it's too late to try it this winter season but I hope the memory of it will last through the end of this year.


Spiced Hot Chocolate

Makes one glass 


2 squares of dark chocolate ( I used Lindt dark chocolate)
1.5 spoons of cocoa powder
1/2 spoon all spice
1 glass milk (at room temperature)
1.5 spoons Sugar 

Place a round slightly deep bottomed pan on a low flame and add all the ingredients except the milk into it. Add a spoon or two of the milk and allow the chocolate pieces and sugar to melt. Keep stirring the mixture till it becomes a completely smooth thick liquid and there are no lumps in it. Pour the rest of the milk and keep stirring it till the milk is hot (not boiling) and is fully incorporated. 

Pour into a mug and serve.
