Pineapple,Mint and Basil Smoothie

I am a firm proponent of clocking at least 8 hours (actually 9) of sleep and eating a wholesome (almost bordering on excessive) breakfast, neither of which I have been getting lately. With work taking priority over the last few weeks, my will power has been compromised to picking unhealthy options for my meals. So today morning I decided to begin the day with some green detox which I thought could be my first step towards getting back to a healthier food lifestyle. I only hope that going public with this (semi) promise on Instagram might guilt me into tipping the scales towards healthier food choices.

I had fresh pineapples that I had bought from a cart right outside my society yesterday. I added mint and chopped pineapple into the juicer and blitzed it till smooth. I tossed in some basil as well in between the blitzing for some extra flavour. Strain and pour into a glass. And ta da! There's your sugar free green detox smoothie. The sweetness of the pineapple and the freshness of the mint and basil make for a great power drink in the morning.

Does this even need a recipe?
