ABC Juice

Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist or a doctor and the opinions stated below are based on my experiences. Please refer to your doctor before taking up any dietary changes

Several years back, on our way to work my roomie and I had an accident. It was pretty nasty and had me grounded to my bed for several weeks. Apart from the injury  itself, the hospital tests diagnosed me with low Hemoglobin (Iron) levels. Now that came as a surprise to me as this happened around a time when I was training for a 10k run and was doing super good in terms of eating healthy and general lifestyle habits. I was put on a course of iron tablets and after 3 months pronounced fine. When I spoke to the doctor about why and how this happened despite my healthy diet, he told me that often when people take up a fitness regime, they forget to increase the quantity of nutrients in their food. So while they might be eating healthy home cooked food, they may not necessarily be getting all the nutrients through this. 

Ever since, I've had the habit of juicing beets once a week and drinking it post my run. It could be just beets and a pinch of salt, or it could be with pomegranates or with apples and carrots, called the ABC Juice like the one in the picture. So my weekly dose of beetroots was in the form of an ABC Juice today.

I also had this as a swap for my evening tea and cookies, and this is my contribution to Archana's healthy swap challenge that is going on right now on Instagram. Here's her page for reference:

Also, I am experimenting more and more with my food photography skills and I absolutely love the gorgeous colors and textures of the food photos on Green Kitchen Stories. This picture here is inspired by them. Here's the link to their page:

The recipe for this juice? Just cube apples, beets and carrots like in the pic above and juice them. Strain the pulp out and serve immediately!
