Recipe - Basil Pesto

A good Basil Pesto can make be a great taste elevator when it comes to healthy recipes. It can be used to make Pasta (obviously), sandwiches and even wraps with mixed veggies. The combinations are endless. And so, whenever I have a reasonable amount of leaves on my basil plant ready to be picked, I prep a big batch of pesto that I can then use in various dishes. 

I have been making pesto for a few years now and have learnt some tricks to get the most out of this recipe. I'll add them at the end of the recipe section so make sure you read till the end. 

So here it goes, Basil Pesto recipe that can be made in 10 min flat and stored for up to 2 weeks. 


2 cup of fresh basil leaves (Tip no 1* - See postscript below)

1/4th cup toasted pine nuts (Tip No 2*)
1 Cube of cheese
2-3 pods of garlic (Tip No 3*)
Juice of 1 lemon
2 tbsp Olive Oil
Salt and pepper to taste

Add the basil leaves, cheese, nuts and garlic to a food processor and blitz till it is coarsely chopped. Add the lemon juice, olive oil and salt and pepper and run the food processor till the entire mixture forms a smooth consistency- (Tip No 4*). For storage, transfer the pesto to a glass jar and top it with a thin layer of olive oil. This prevents the pesto from oxidizing. Enjoy it by spreading on sandwiches or stirred into pasta. 

Tips to get the most out of this recipe:

* Tip No 1 - Since I had only a cup of basil, I just topped it with 1 additional cup of mixed greens!

* Tip No 2 - If you don't have access to pine nuts, add a mix of almonds and walnuts to replace it. Cashews would do too but would have a creamier taste

* Tip No 3 - I personally don't like the taste of raw garlic in my food and if that's something you too don't enjoy, just chop it roughly and then roast it in a pan with a drop of oil/butter. The raw smell and taste disappear and it gives the pesto an elevated flavor.

*Tip No 4 - Do not over process the pesto as the basil can possibly oxidize and turn dark green/black. Keep blitzing till everything is incorporated. 
