Book Review - The Air you Breathe by Frances De Pontes Peebles

Hello Readers!

Clocking in my first read of the new year - 2020 and I am definitely not disappointed! While 2019 had some memorable reads, I was disappointed with my inability to give the book search process the time and research it deserves to find the right books. Most of my choices last year were based on their collective chatter on social media. The books - limited to a meager 10 were impulsive and not well thought through and hence felt distant and indifferent.  

There was a time in my teens and twenties when I would pick up any read that caught my fancy, but now, I am intensely aware of how small a dent I can make reading all that is written in this world. More so after how dissatisfied I was with my choices last year. And so in December 2019, I went on a quest on GoodReads, to research and find at least 20-30 books that fit my reading tastes and were books that I was genuinely excited to read. This meant, books that would move me emotionally, uncover a new thought or an idea, introduce me to some brilliant literature but most importantly - would have a lifelong impact on me. Because all my favorite reads have stayed with me till date, making sudden delightful appearances in my thoughts from time to time. And it is this feeling that I am searching for in my next read!

And so with this focused approach, here's my first read for the year 2020. I noticed this book being praised on #Bookstagram extensively but I was vary of insta-famous books as I haven't had much success with them. So I spent a few hours reading reviews on goodreads and various blogs and a snippet from a song in the book caught my eye: 

We all take for granted
Things that come too easily
That's why I can't let you go - 
You're always a challenge to me.
Here's my vow to you, here's all I believe:
For you I'll stay invincible. I'll be the air you breathe. 

These words seemed to have been strung together so effortlessly, like an offhand conversation between friends and yet hold so much meaning in them! And just like that, I was drawn to this book. 

The Air you breathe by Frances De Pontes Peebles is a book about 2 girls with contrasting lives, their friendship and the course of their destinies - strung together by music. Dores is an orphan working in the kitchen of the large sugar plantations in Richo Doche, Brazil and one day meets Graca - the spoiled daughter of the landlord. They are instantly drawn to each other and soon become friends bonding first on mischief and entertainment and then finally on music. And this passion towards music eventually takes them to Rio de Janeiro, a city that can possibly fulfill their dreams.

Graca has a beautiful voice and Dores - the gift of intertwining words with tunes to make soulful songs. And while both of them are tied together with their bonds of friendship, their journey towards success and fame could possibly destroy this bond forever. Spanning their journey from the streets of Rio to luxurious hotels in Los Angeles, this book explores the complex layers of friendship between Graca and Dores. 

The writing is soulful and unrelenting, taking the readers through the myriad notes of friendship between Graca and Dores - just like music. There are no black or white characters in this book and everyone comes in vary shades of gray - some darker and some lighter. And this humanness - the flaws in all the characters is what made the book so real and exhilarating to read. While you rooted for both Dores and Graca, you also questioned some of their moral choices and their repercussions. The writing came in waves, crashing onto the reader with a shimmering mixture of emotions - forcing the reader to pause and take it all in.I particularly loved the songs strewn across the book - they spoke volumes of the author's potential and literary execution. 

I definitely recommend reading this book and gave it 5 stars on GoodReads!

Until next time, Happy Reading!
