Recipe - Ragi Sesame Laddu's


Bringing to you yet another sweet dish for Diwali celebrations! If you are looking for healthy, nutritious yet super delicious sweet dishes during this festive season, you have come to the right place!

Over the past few months, I have been in the hunt of desserts and sweets that would not just be delicious indulgences during the festive season but would be better choices in terms of their nutritive value. This super quick and easy Ragi Sesame Laddu's are not just delicious but are super healthy as well. Made with Ragi flour, sesame seeds, desiccated coconut and jaggery, they offer quite some nutritive benefits. 

The recipe calls for less than 1o ingredients and takes about 15-20 minutes to make. That's it! Its that easy and quick. So if you are looking for a 'cheat' option - not just in terms of calories but efforts too, make this dish NOW! :)

Ragi Sesame Laddu's - Recipe

Yields 10 pieces


  • 150 gms ragi flour
  • 75 gms jaggery powder
  • 2 tablespoon sesame seeds
  • Handful almonds coarsely chopped
  • Handful pistachios finely ground 
  • 50 gm dried and desiccated coconut
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil 
  • 2-3 pods of Cardamom - peeled and ground to a fine powder
  • A few dried rose petals crushed finely
  • 50 ml water
In a wok, heat the coconut oil. Once warm, add the ragi flour and roast it on low flame till it turns aromatic and turns a shade darker. This should take about 2-3 minutes. Then add the desiccated coconut, sesame seeds and roast for another 2 minutes. Now switch of the flame and set aside. In a small pan, add water and jaggery powder. Let the mixture come to a slow boil and the liquid thickens slightly. Now turn off the flame and filter out the impurities if any. Inn a large bowl, add the ragi mixture, chopped almonds, half of the pistachio powder and cardamom powder. Mix well and then start adding the jaggery water in parts. keep mixing till the mixture reaches a soft dough like consistency. You may have some jaggery water left which you can set aside for other uses. 

Knead the dough lightly and start making small balls out of it. This should yield 10 laddu's. Now grease your hands with a small drop of coconut oil and roll the laddu's in your hands and then dip it into the remaining pistachios powder and rose petals. Store in a closed container and refrigerate if needed. Serve at room temperature. 

