Orange Ginger Juice


I've been under the weather on and off for the last few weeks with an extremely annoying cold that keeps recurring. I caught one such bout yesterday and folks back home suggested steeping ginger in hot water, adding lemon and honey when the concoction is warm and drinking it to get rid of that cold. 

As went about trying to make it today, I substituted freshly squeezed orange juice for the lemons and added a pinch of turmeric powder. immunity boost aside, this was one refreshing post workout drink that I'll definitely make on repeat.

(makes 2 glasses)

5-6 Oranges - I used mandarins
1/2 inch stalk of ginger - washed, scraped and grated
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
1 tablespoon honey
1 cup water

Heat the water and add the grated ginger to it. Let it steep in the hot water for about 20-30 min. As it cools down, add honey when the concoction is warm. Also add the turmeric powder and stir. Juice the oranges and then mix the ginger, honey and turmeric concoction into the orange juice. Serve immediately or refrigerate until serving time. 

P.S - I am not a big fan of juicing fruits and only do it when I have fruits I definitely cannot finish before they go rotten. I bought a big basket of oranges and we have been eating a half a dozen a day and still have about 15 of them left. 
