Lychee and Pomegranate Sparkler

As an amateur(ish) cook, I usually cook food based on some various sources of influences I have on a day to day basis. It could be my mother's cooking style, the recipes I have picked up during my time at Delhi or Pune, friends, social media and so on. But there have been a few bouts of inspiration that I have had and have come up with recipes all by myself without an external influence. 

This is one such recipe that I experimented based on an idea I was toying for a few days. Of course, it is an easy recipe but I like how elegant, not to forget, how delicious it was. You can use this mocktail/sparkler as a base for cocktails as well.  I made it a while back and forgot to to put it up. But its better late than never. So here it goes: 

(makes 2 glasses)

8 - 10 Lychees, peeled and deseeded
1 cup Pomegranate pearls 
1 tablespoon sugar syrup/sugar (add as per taste) 
1 glass chilled soda/sparkling water 

In a blender, blend the lychees, the pomegranate pearls to for a smooth pulp. Strain this mixture and extract all the liquid out of it. Make sure the extract has been strained properly with no solids. Add the sugar syrup to the fruit extract. Stir and pour this extract equally into two glasses. In case you are not serving immediately, store this extract in a bottle and refrigerate till ready to serve. 

To serve, top with soda till the glass is almost full. using a coffee stirrer, give both the glasses a quick stir and serve immediately. 

