Book Review - Artemis

When it comes to books, I am a hopeless science fiction fan. Give me an averagely good Sci-fi book and I am a happy camper!  Now I said hopeless because I could read books with similar premises just for the sense of possibility and thrill that they hold within them. And by hopeless, I also mean that sometimes these impulsive selections disappoint me greatly. Now before this disappointment sets the tone of this review, I'd like to add that I truly believe all authors put their soul into their creations and it isn't easy to see their work being criticized. Having said that, a book or any creation for that matter can finds its audience and doesn't necessarily have to please everyone. With that, here's my review of the book. 

Artemis, a by Andy Weir, who is incidentally the author of book turned into a blockbuster Hollywood movie - "The Martian" is about a human colony on the Moon. Jazz, a twenty something is one of the citizens of Artemis and lives on small crimes to survive the expensive life in the colony. She is crafty and has the brains but lacks the sincerity and drive her father hopes from her. Her life changes when a rather big but easy money - heist that she agrees to commit goes terribly wrong midway. And from there on, everything goes downhill. It is up to Jazz to figure out a way to salvage her life out of this spiraling dead end. 

Well, this was a decent enough plot summary for me to be sold on to read it. But I just couldn't get past the language used by the characters and how boring and illogical the plot got.  The lead character lacks the Jazz (sorry, I couldn't resist the pun!) that this plot was begging for and makes a half hearted attempt in appealing to the science geeks. 

There were some good bits here and there but really the book felt like another young adult fiction and not of the very good kind either. It pains me to be critical of this book, and I am happy to see that a lot of people on Goodreads enjoyed the book, but this just wasn't for me. 

Before I sign off, I have to add that I loved the Movie "The Martian" and really wish I had picked up that book by Andy Weir first. 

I gave it a 2 star (1.5 is not possible) on Goodreads. 

Happy Reading!
