Daliya/Bulgur Porridge

Ok Monday, lets do this! 

After last week's Ganpati festivities that extended well into a gluttonous weekend filled with sweets and full plate meals, I am hoping to start this week right with something healthy. 

This broken wheat/Bulgur/Daliya sweet porridge is one of my favorite breakfast options. Just like oatmeal, this Indian porridge is versatile and can be customized with fruits, nuts, honey and toasted coconut shreds. 

The recipe is super simple and just involves 8-10 min of active cooking time. Here it goes: 

Ingredients: (Serves 2)

1/2 cup Bulgur/ Daliya - I used the small sized ones
1 cup milk
1 cup water
Sugar according to taste

Toppings: (Pick any)
Fruits of your choice (Avoid citrus ones as they don't go well with milk) 
Toasted nuts (almonds/walnuts etc.)
toasted coconut flakes
Ground cinnamon

In a pressure cooker, wash the daliya and then add the water and cook for 2-3 whistles.  2 should suffice so that the daliya isn't overcooked. Meanwhile, bring the milk to a boil on a low flame. Once the daliya has cooled, add it to the boiling milk and let it cook for another minute or two. The daliya needs to soak in the milk. Add sugar according to taste and still and cook for another minute. I like to leave the porridge a bit on the liquid side as the daliya tends to absorb moisture as it cools, hardening the porridge. So which ever way you like it, accordingly adjust the consistency when warm. 

Pour the porridge into two bowls and top it with fresh fruits and nuts of your choice. I used honey cooked figs and blackberries, toasted almonds and toasted dried coconut flakes. Serve warm.  

