Recipe - Dalgona Coffee

 Dalgona Coffee has taken over the world of social media and is having it's fair share of fame right now. Now, before you read this and go, not another Dalgona Coffee post, hear me out!

While I was busy working today, Suhas was rummaging around in the kitchen searching for something. When I asked him what he was looking for, he said he wanted something cold to drink and my food blogger antenna immediately went up! I asked him if he would like a cold coffee and he instantly said yes! So I quickly experimented with the "equal parts coffee powder, sugar and hot water" craze that's going around. I imagined my arms hurting with all that whisking this needs, but trust me it took me about 3 minutes to get the texture (Pic below) and I am sure had I spent another 2 more minutes, it would have been creamier. Anyway, I poured in some milk over cubes of ice, topped it with this creamy mixture and in less than 10 minutes, this drink was ready.

Pheti hui coffee is a long standing trend that's been in India forever now and I've had it multiple times. Who knew it would have its moment of fame in disguise as the Dalgona Coffee! But the real reason I am posting this recipe here is because I've never really made it myself ever! Having come from a staunch filter coffee family, I never really found the need to make it and so I wanted to document it. So, here goes the recipe!

Ingredients: (makes 2 glasses)

1.5 cups of milk
7-8 cubes of ice
2 tablespoon instant coffee powder ( I used Nescafe)
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons hot water

Instruments - A whisk and a large bowl/vessel  

In a large bowl, add the coffee powder, sugar and the hot water. Now start whisking in circular motion, allowing air to infuse into this mixture. If you have an electric whisk, it makes things easier. But it takes about 4-5 minutes to whisk by hand and get a creamy mixture. The longer you whisk, the thicker it gets. So whisking for a good 8-10 minutes would be perfect. 

Once you see a creamy consistency, add the ice cubes into 2 glasses and then divide the milk equally between them. You can add more milk if needed. Top this with equal parts of the creamy mixture and serve. 

Stir well and enjoy your coffee! 
