Recipe - Green Pea & Jalapeno Hummus


 Happy 2021! I am starting the new year filled with energy and rigor to bring more posts on this page. I also have some exciting projects lined up and I am super excited to unveil them later this year. 2020 has been a challenge to say the least and one of the biggest learnings from it has been to take care of my body and nourish it with lots of whole foods.  And as my first recipe to ring in this new year, I bring to you a house favorite dish but with some green goodness twist!

I already have two posts on different flavors of hummus on the blog - The classic one and the basil and beet one. This is the third one in the series and has really been a game changer in my hummus repertoire. I've made green pea hummus before but today I added some fresh jalapenos I had just gotten from the market yesterday and spiked it with some extra lemon juice in the end. I also added a handful of cilantro for that pop of green color and it tasted beyond delicious. This spicy version of the classic hummus is must try especially if you like your food extra hot!

Before we get into the recipe, I'll leave you with some nutritional profile of this dish. Both the chickpeas and green peas are great source of protein, making this is a double whammy for daily protein intake. Peas are also excellent source of Vitamin C, A and Potassium. And I am not even getting into the rest of the ingredients here. All in all a super healthy dish you can use as a dip with nachos, on wraps or even slather on your sandwich!

Green Pea and Jalapeno Hummus Recipe


1.5 cup boiled peas and chickpeas (I boiled them together but separate is fine too)
1 tablespoon tahini
1 medium sized lemon - juice squeezed
2 tablespoons olive oil
2-3 pods garlic peeled
Salt as needed
A handful of cilantro washed
1 large Jalapeno (add more as per spice levels)
A splash of water

In a food processor, add all the ingredients and blitz till it comes to a smooth consistency. Transfer the contents to a bowl and top with added condiments. I added a splash of olive oil, finely chopped cilantro and some chopped jalapenos. You can serve fresh or store it in the fridge until ready to be served. The taste evolves as you leave it for a few hours so definitely recommend this step. 

If you try this or any other recipe of mine, please leave a comment below or on any of my social media handles. It will mean a lot to me. Thank you!

