Recipe - Green Mung Sprouts Salad


I typically use mung beans in making dosa and other coconut based curries but I love snacking on them raw just as is, which I know may not be for everyone. Occasionally when I have fresh pomegranates available, I stir up a mung bean salad that is fresh, delicious and very filling. You could eat it as a side salad or have it as a meal by itself. The protein content of the beans helps keep you feeling full yet light and makes for a perfect lunch dish. I had posted this recipe almost 4 years back on this blog but realized it needed a refresh. This is an easy recipe if you have all the ingredients and comes together in 10 minutes. I also have a short video up on my Instagram page if you would like to see that. 

What are Mung beans?

Mung beans are small green beans that fall under the legumes category. They are native to India but are now consumed across the world. Mung bean sprouts are powerhouse of nutrients, anti oxidants and a great source of fiber. They are also easy to grow at home and make for a great ingredient in soups, stews etc. They can be eaten either raw or cooked although cooking might destroy some of its nutrients.

How to make mung bean sprouts?

While I have full intentions on making a separate post detailing how to make mung bean sprouts, here is a quick overview of that. Take a cup full of green mung beans (the unsplit ones) and wash them thoroughly. Add them to a mason jar and fill it with 3 quarters of water. Let them soak overnight. The next morning, drain the water and rinse the beans well. Now remove all the water from the jar so that the beans are moist but not soaking in water. remove the lid of the mason jar and place a muslin cloth over the jar. Cover the jar with the outer ring of the jar place it at an inclined angle over a dish or a cup. Keep this in a warm dark place in the kitchen. Twice a day, rinse the beans with fresh water, cover and place them inclined in the warm, dark place. Repeat the process for 2-3 days and you should see small sprouts emerging on the beans. You could continue growing them for upto 4-5 days but research has shown that small sprouts before green leaves start to appear are the most nutrient dense. Alternatively, you could buy mung sprouts at most Indian markets and use them as is.  

Some tips for the recipe

Before I jump into the recipe, I wanted to add that fresh pomegranates are crucial to this recipe. Pomegranates are usually available from September to December every year and because they store well, are available well into January as well. You can freeze them for later use but they don't taste as juicy as the fresh ones.

Toasting the almonds adds a crunchy texture to this salad and I highly recommend spending that additional few minutes to toast them. 

For the dressing, you can replace the lemon juice with vinegar and the jaggery with sugar or honey. I would recommend honey as it goes better with the recipe.

Lastly, the gooseberry is optional. It does add a tangy flavor to the salad and this may not be liked by everyone. Skip it if you don't have it at hand or don't like it. 

Green Mung Sprouts Salad - Recipe


1 cup mung bean sprouts 
1/2 cup pomegranates
A handful of chopped mint leaves
A handful of broccoli sprouts - optional
A handful of lettuce leaves
8-10 toasted and chopped almonds - set aside some for garnish

For the dressing:

1 Gooseberry washed and grated
A tsp of jaggery
A sprinkle of salt and pepper
A tsp of roasted cumin powder
The juice of half a lemon
1 tsp olive oil

Toss together the sprouts, pomegranate seeds, mint leaves, toasted almonds and broccoli sprouts together. In a small jar, add all the ingredients needed for the dressing and shake well until the jaggery is dissolved. Toss the dressing onto the salad and gently mix everything together. Top with additional toasted almonds for garnish and serve immediately.  
