Book Review - An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen

Hello Readers!

I am back with another exciting book review and this time around it is possibly one of the best books I have read so far this year.

"Good books don't give up all their secrets at once."
~ Stephen King

This quote kind of perfectly sums up An Anonymous Girl. I am amazed at how well it is written, given it is co authored by 2 women. The writing is fluid, charged and eerily thrilling all at once and makes for an edge of the seat, unputdownable read! it has been a while since I read such a well written psychological thriller. The 2 authors partnered the first time to write The Wife Between Us, which went on to become a huge success and was also instantly selected for a Hollywood movie script. This is their second book and it was already signed on for a TV series while the authors were still writing the book. The passion and work that has gone into this book is evident in its success. 

Jessica Farris works as a make up artist with Beautybuzz, shuttling across New York City working with various clients.  On one such visit to 2 college students dorm, she overhears one of the girls talk about a survey for a psychological study on ethics and morals that she has to take the next day which will compensate well. Jessica supports her family who is financially unstable and she jumps at this opportunity to earn some easy money. She enters the academic study by pretending to be that student and is gradually drawn into the various tests and surveys that is administered on her by Dr. Shields - the lead for this study. Initially she is drawn to the charisma of Dr. Shields and opens up to her about her inner most thoughts and secrets. But as the tests begin to get more intense, she realizes that there is more to what meets her eye. As she begins to question Dr. Shields intent and deceptions, she realizes she is in deep trouble and it will be close to impossible to get out it of unaffected. 

The book not only presents an interesting and thought provoking plot, it also subtly makes us questions our own intentions and inner thoughts. It is almost as if we are just as much a subject in this study as Jessica is. Questions such as 'Have you deeply hurt someone you care about' and ' Could you tell a lie without feeling any guilt' kindle some of our own presumptions and fallacies. The writing manipulates you, draws out some rather uncomfortable personal memories based on the survey questions and niggles at your morals. 

Multiple facets, 2 story lines and many many unexpected twists are enough to make you bite all the nails off your hands and maybe your feet as well. Just when you think you have the plot finally figured out, new twists come to fore, making for an exciting read. 

I rated this book 5 stars on Goodreads! If you haven't read this already, go now and pick this book up! And if you have read it, drop a comment on your thoughts about this book!

Happy Reading!
